Russians began to make less and less preparations for the winter

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Less than a third of Russians make preparations for the winter, and this figure is decreasing every year. This is stated in the research of the “Romir” holding, which was published by “RIA Novosti” on Friday, November 20.

31% of the surveyed residents of Russia prepare food for the winter. These are mainly summer residents and owners of personal plots. For comparison, in 2011 50% of Russians were engaged in this, in 2015 – 47%, in 2019 – 33%.

According to the study, 88% of respondents who have vegetable gardens make preparations from their own crops. Among Russians who go for mushrooms and berries, 76% are engaged in canning them.

Sociologists also estimated the volume of procurement in relation to the total amount of food consumed by Russians for the year. Thus, for 42% of citizens, the share of products accounted for by homemade products in the total food basket is 10-29%, for 22% – 30-49%. For 18% of Russians reported that the share of consumption of homemade products is more than 50% and less than 10%.

According to the executive director of “Romir” Inna Karaeva, the need to prepare food for the sake of economy is gradually becoming a thing of the past, and this tradition is mainly used to diversify the winter menu.

The study was conducted in November and involved 1,500 respondents aged 18 to 60 and older.

On November 19, the results of a poll by the HeadHunter job search service became known, according to which the majority of Russians – 64% – would advise children to go to work from the age of 16, and 50% themselves would go to work before they come of age.

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