Russian Foreign Ministry called US and UK accusations of hacker attacks unsubstantiated

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The accusations of the United States and Great Britain in the involvement of Russians in hacker attacks, including those directed against the organizers of the Tokyo Olympics, are unsubstantiated, the Russian Foreign Ministry said on October 19.

“It’s boring to comment on such statements. The unsubstantiated and senselessness of the shares attributed to Russia is characteristic, ”RIA Novosti reports from a spokesman for the foreign ministry.

They also stressed that these statements are made with the aim of “creating an anti-Russian atmosphere” and are aimed at an internal audience, including on the eve of the US elections.

Earlier that day, the US Department of Justice indicted six Russians involved in the spread of the NotPetya virus in 2017 for hacking. The Russians were accused of attacks on American companies, Ukrainian energy systems and attempts to disrupt the presidential elections in France. These people were called “employees of the GRU”, they allegedly organized, among other things, cyberattacks at the Olympics in South Korea.

On the same day, the British Foreign Office also filed its accusations: it noted that Russian intelligence also planned a cyberattack on the organizers of the Tokyo Olympic Games before they were postponed.

Russia has repeatedly denied accusations of attempts to influence democratic processes in different countries, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that there were no facts to support this.

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