Roskachestvo: how to choose a ripe and juicy watermelon

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Roskachestvo told how to choose a ripe and juicy watermelon.

1. Knock on the watermelon

Please note that the sound must be neither dull nor sonorous. It should be booming, reminiscent of vibration. If the sound is dull, the watermelon is overripe, if the sound is voiced, it is not ripe.

2. Inspect the surface of the watermelon

Outwardly good quality fruit should look fresh, the rind should be whole, clean and dull. If the berry rind is “glossy”, then the watermelon is unripe.

3. Check the watermelon for cracks and damage

The skin of a good berry should not have a large number of defects, for example, scars, cracks and bruises. Damages such as bruises and cracks are the result of storage and transportation. Remember that the total area of ​​external damage should not exceed one eighth of the fruit.

Important. The white part of the watermelon rind may contain traces of fertilizer. Try to wash the watermelon well, preferably with a detergent. According to doctors, the poisoning that is possible after drinking watermelon is most often due to poor hygiene.

4. Using a nitrate meter when choosing is practically useless

As agronomists explain, the nitrate meter will not help determine the amount of nitrates in the fetus on the spot. For a nitrate meter to give an accurate result, it must be in a sterile environment, and the needle must undergo a certain treatment. Therefore, scientists trust only laboratories – they do one general analysis of a whole watermelon.

5. Don’t look at the ponytail

A dried-up watermelon tail is not a 100% sign of a delicious watermelon. But if it is very dry, then this is already a bad indicator. Experts note that if a berry has a slightly dried tail, then this is a sign of ripening of a watermelon. Also take into account the transportation factor, during which even a green watermelon can dry out its tail in 3-4 days.

6. Find an earthen spot

The ground spot is where the watermelon lay on the ground. Experts point out that the spot should be bright yellow, the brighter the better. This is an indicator that the berry was picked on time. There should be only one such earthy mint.

7. No need to squeeze watermelon

Many people believe that if a watermelon emits a characteristic crackle when squeezed, then it is ripe. Unfortunately, this method can be confusing. The fact is that the berry crunches only once, which could have happened during transportation. When you press again, you will not hear any sound.

8. Much depends on the place of sale

Agronomists advise buying watermelons near watermelon fields. The berries in such points are always ripe. Second place is markets and breakdowns. Here it is worth considering the transportation factor. The longer it takes for delivery, the more likely it is that the watermelon was picked unripe and will be defective.

9. Whenever possible, pay attention to the variety

Early watermelons ripen faster but receive less sunlight. They are not large (7-10 kilograms). They are stored for a short time, about one to two weeks. That is why, in order to increase the shelf life and not spoil the appearance during transportation, such berries are picked unripe.

Having bought a delicious watermelon, do not forget that nutritionists do not recommend consuming more than one and a half kilograms of berries per day, since the diuretic properties can harm your health: useful substances will begin to be washed out of the cells.

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