Rehabilitation therapist spoke about simple gymnastics for the lungs

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Simple breathing exercises will help to better supply the body with oxygen and improve health, said rehabilitation therapist and yoga instructor Dmitry Sandul.

The specialist noted that usually a person does not use the resource of the lungs, breathing only 30-40%. According to him, this can be checked – when we take a breath, then it is short, but if we take a long breath purposefully, it will be voluminous. The simplest thing you can do for your lungs is to learn how to use breathing and holding.

As Sandul told Sputnik radio, during the Second World War, a special type of breathing was practiced on substrates, which “stretched” oxygen for a long time. So, a person cleans the lungs, increasing the resource and the amount of inhaled air.

The rehabilitator advised breathing exercises to restore the lungs after suffering a coronavirus. To do this, you need to use pranayama – a breathing technique known in yoga practice.

“We inhale through our nose, increase it as long as possible, the same calm long exhalation. You can practice “square” breathing: inhale and exhale in four counts, adjust the duration of inhalation and exhalation. So you stretch the lungs, the pulmonary system begins to develop, ”the specialist said, advising him to do this kind of gymnastics at least twice a day for 5 minutes.