RDIF told about negotiations with European countries on Sputnik V vaccine

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A number of European countries are interested in the Russian Sputnik V vaccine; its production is being discussed with Germany. This was announced on Thursday, January 21, by the head of the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) Kirill Dmitriev.

“We are discussing with Germany the possibility of producing the Sputnik V vaccine domestically. <…> In addition, you see a serious interest from the member states of the European Union, but, of course, we will follow all the procedures of the EMA (European Medicines Agency – approx.), ”Dmitriev said at the briefing.

He stressed that RDIF hopes to register the Sputnik V coronavirus vaccine in Mexico, Brazil and India in the near future.

“We are expecting early registration in Mexico. In addition, we will announce additional news on vaccine registration in Asia and another country in Africa in the next few weeks, ”Dmitriev said, adding that he also expects to register the vaccine in Brazil and India soon.

In addition, according to the head of the RDIF, studies of the Sputnik V and AstraZeneca combination vaccine may soon begin in Azerbaijan and Saudi Arabia.

Earlier that day, it became known that the use of the Russian Sputnik V vaccine had been approved in the UAE and Hungary. In the UAE, the third phase of clinical trials continues under the supervision of the local Ministry of Health and Prevention and the Abu Dhabi Department of Health. It involves 1,000 volunteers. Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Siyjarto will visit Moscow on Thursday for talks on the Russian coronavirus vaccine.

The vaccine has already been registered in a number of countries, including Algeria, Argentina, Bolivia, Serbia, Palestine, Venezuela and Paraguay. In Brazil, the first 20 residents of the country have already been vaccinated with this vaccine. In 2021, it is planned to deliver 150 million doses of the drug to Brazil.

The Sputnik V drug was developed by the Gamaleya Center and became the first coronavirus vaccine in the world and in Russia. The final efficacy of the drug was 91.4%. For severe cases of coronavirus, the effectiveness was 100%.

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