Police defused an explosive device in Kiev

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Police defused an explosive device outside the office of the Opposition Platform – For Life (Opposition Platform) Party in Kiev. This was announced on Sunday, August 9, in a message on the party’s official website.

“On the night of August 8-9, attackers planted an explosive device in a parking lot a few meters from the entrance to the office building of the Opposition Platform – For Life. Explosives technicians from the National Police of Ukraine quickly arrived and detonated an explosive device on the spot, ”the report says.

The OLE suggests that the attempted terrorist attack was carried out for political reasons, and radical organizations may be involved in this.

“Today’s mining of the office <...> was a response to the principled position of the party demanding that the SBU (Security Service of Ukraine) officers be prosecuted for their illegal actions related to the attempted raider takeover of the 112 Ukraine TV channel,” the party noted.

The party demanded an objective investigation of the situation.

Earlier on May 13, the Opposition Platform – For Life party accused former President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko and his entourage of falsifying the reasons for the explosions at arsenals in February 2017.

The head of the party, Viktor Medvedchuk, and the parliamentary deputy from the party, former First Deputy Prosecutor General of Ukraine Renat Kuzmin, made an official appeal to the acting Director of the State Bureau of Investigation (SBI) Aleksandra Sokolova with a request to bring to justice those responsible for falsifying the results of the investigation of the explosions.

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