Pentagon demanded “tough responses” to China’s policy

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Kyat’s policy has become more aggressive, which requires a tough response. This was announced on August 5 by US Secretary of Defense Mark Esper during a security forum in Aspen.

“Competition with China is not limited to the Indo-Pacific region, it is global competition as we see it in all parts of the world. It is multifaceted and requires tough decisions, “The Week quotes him.

Esper noted that over the past seven months, the Chinese authorities have become “more aggressive” as part of the coronavirus, trying to use COVID-19 for their own interests and propaganda purposes. In addition, the head of the Pentagon recalled the recent border conflict between China and India, stressing that Beijing continues to “twist the arms” of other countries.

Earlier, on August 3, United States Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said China was conducting espionage operations among the American establishment and business. He also noted that Washington intends to counter the influence of the PRC in the United States, which is aimed at undermining American democracy and creating a threat to the people of the country.

On July 21, Washington demanded that the Chinese diplomatic mission in Houston be closed within three days. Then Pompeo accused China of stealing American intellectual property on a large scale. The US intelligence services are confident that the PRC Consulate General was closely connected with Chinese intelligence.

At the same time, American President Donald Trump has repeatedly repeated that he considers China to be responsible for the beginning of the coronavirus epidemic. Washington accuses Beijing of hiding information about the origin of the virus and the extent of the spread of the infection. Thus, Trump said that the spread of COVID-19 in the world is the reason for his growing anger towards China.

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