Part of Russian schoolchildren switched to remote work again

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Some schoolchildren in Russia have returned to distance learning – in different regions, classes or entire educational institutions have gone to quarantine due to cases of COVID-19 infection.

Each school has its own procedure for detecting symptoms of a respiratory disease, explained Evgeny Yamburg, Honored Teacher of Russia, Director of Moscow School No. 109.

“In our school, we contact the parents, ask them to pick up the child with symptoms, or we go home ourselves. So far, no coronavirus has been found in any of the children sent. One way or another, now it is not massive. When everything collapsed, we managed it, and now we can handle it all the more, ”he said.

A schoolchild who comes to lessons with a temperature of 37.1 and above is isolated in a first-aid post, after which they call an ambulance and inform their parents about the incident. If the child is not later diagnosed with the coronavirus, he can return to school. If a student is sick, his entire class will be quarantined. Rospotrebnadzor will inform the school about the quarantine period. The department will also decide on isolation measures for the relatives of the sick child.

Read more in the exclusive material of Izvestia:

Disbanded: some Russian schoolchildren again switched to remote work

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