Over 46 million rubles were allocated for the repair of water supply networks in the city of Safonovo

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Among other topics, Governor Alexei Ostrovsky and acting head of the Safonovsky district, Alexander Lapikov, discussed the modernization of housing and communal services during a working meeting held during the visit of the head of the region to the municipal council.

Speaking about the modernization of housing and communal services, Alexander Lapikov noted that in 2018, as part of the implementation of the regional state program, a boiler house was built in the GMP microdistrict with funds from the federal and regional budgets, which made it possible to improve the quality of hot water supply for the Primary School – kindergarten and 11 apartment buildings, which is home to more than 2,000 people.

A year later, a new boiler house was put into operation in the GMP microdistrict, thanks to which at the moment about 25,000 people are provided with heat in three microdistricts of the city of Safonovo. Within the framework of the state program for the modernization of housing and communal services, the boiler room No. 16 on Pervomayskaya Street and 21 kilometers of heating networks were repaired.

In addition to this, the reconstruction of water supply networks in six rural settlements was carried out – the amount of funding for these purposes amounted to over 46 million rubles.

As part of the implementation of environmental measures, the overhaul of hydraulic structures on the Peremcha River in the Vyshegor village and the Vedosa River near the Rybka village was completed.

During the meeting, special attention was paid to the state of the objects of cultural and leisure infrastructure. Alexander Lapikov noted that thanks to the support of the regional administration, Baranovsky and Rybkovsky DKs were repaired, six more DKs were equipped with light and sound equipment.

In 2018, an indoor pavilion was built for holding public events in the village of Vadino.

Another topic of discussion was the increase in the volume of housing construction, including individual. It was noted that within the framework of the program for the resettlement of citizens from emergency housing stock from 2013 to 2018, 66 emergency houses were resettled, 586 new apartments received more than 1,200 people. 82 young families were given social benefits for the purchase of housing or the construction of individual housing stock.

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