New evidence of Ukraine’s involvement in the export of Russians to Minsk has emerged

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In Russia, it was possible to uncover a scheme of joint provocation of the Ukrainian and American special services, during which 33 Russians were taken to Minsk at the end of July. An employee of the competent department helped to restore the chain of events.

According to the interlocutor of REN TV, even during the arrest of the citizens of the Russian Federation, it became clear that the special services of Ukraine were behind the operation, which was announced later on August 7.

“Let me remind you that by that time there was evidence that air tickets for our citizens were booked, rebooked on the territory of Ukraine. Fake numbers were purchased from Kiev, ”the man said.

A group of Russians in Belarus was detained at the end of July. It was alleged that they were allegedly employees of the Wagner PMC. Moscow said that the detainees were on their way to Istanbul, but missed the plane. A criminal case was opened against them on suspicion of preparing a terrorist attack.

On August 14, the Prosecutor General’s Office announced that 32 of 33 Russians detained in Belarus had been returned home. Another Russian citizen, who also has a Belarusian passport, remained on the territory of the republic.

The news is supplemented

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