Orthodox residents of Volgograd were told about Saint Gabriel Urgebadze

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A post-graduate student of the Moscow Theological Academy, a native of Volgograd, Maxim Zlobin spoke about the great saint of the 20th century, who has only become known in recent years.

Saint Gabriel Urgebadze lived in Georgia, this November was the 25th anniversary of his repose. Already during his lifetime, the monk performed numerous miracles, and now they are only growing.

“The saint heals people, even I had a case of healing through the prayers of the Monk Gabriel Urgebadze through anointing him with holy oil,” Maxim Zlobin said in an interview with Vecherniy Volgograd.ru.

The monk decided to become a monk as a child, but his parents tried to prevent this. One day, Gabriel’s mother threw away the gospel he had bought. Then the son left home and began to wander around the monasteries. The persecution against him continued for a long time. In Soviet times, when he was already a priest, he collected discarded icons and built his home church.

At the age of 35, the monk burned a portrait of Lenin right during the communist march and urged not to bow to him like an idol. Gabriel narrowly escaped being shot.

With great love the monk received many people, helped those in need both spiritually and materially. According to the saint, his cross is Georgia and half of Russia, he received so many people and is still responding to prayers.

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