Oregon and Portland authorities accused Trump of inciting violence in the United States

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The governor of the American state of Oregon, the representative of the Democratic Party, Keith Brown, accused US President Donald Trump of creating the preconditions for rampant violence in the country’s cities, including Portland. This is reported in a statement posted on the governor’s website.

According to her, the president encourages division and intensifies violence. First it happened in Kenosha, and now it is happening in Portland, Brown said. At the same time, she noted that despite the tweets and ridicule of the head of the White House, it is about the lives of citizens. The governor also added that it was because of the incompetent reaction in the United States that almost 200 thousand people died from complications associated with the coronavirus.

“Throughout this pandemic, be it demonstrations against my COVID-19 decree or large crowds marching in support of Black Lives Matter calling for police reform, I have supported the right of all Oregons to protest peacefully,” the governor said.

Brown also noted that no one in the country is truly safe while Trump is in power. Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler also made similar accusations, who said that the head of state creates an atmosphere of hatred and division in the United States.

Earlier on August 30, Trump, speaking about the riots that swept across the country, including in Portland, Oregon, said that violence in the Democratic-run US cities can only be ended by force.

The President also criticized Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler once again. He called him an insane, left-wing radical democrat who does nothing and watches the massive death and destruction of his city.

Trump is pushing for the National Guard to enter the city, but Portland is rejecting the president’s proposal.

On Sunday night, police said at least one person was killed in a shooting in Portland, where protests against police brutality are taking place. According to media reports, there were clashes in the city between Trump supporters and members of the Black Lives Matter movement.

Earlier on Saturday, it was reported that at least 19 people were detained during the protests. The protesters approached the Portland Police Association, blocked the entrance to the building and set it on fire, and began throwing stones and other objects at the police. Several police officers were injured.

The US President also noted that the man who died the day before was a member of the “conservative” Patriot Prayer group and a Trump supporter.

American leader retweeted a video in which alleged members of the Antifa movement celebrate the death of a man. “Shameful anarchists. We are watching them closely, but they are foolishly defended by radical left-wing Democrats, “Trump wrote.

Protests have continued in many American cities after the death of African American George Floyd in Minneapolis, Minnesota. At the end of May, the police received a complaint against him, during the arrest one of them squeezed Floyd’s neck. The man later died in intensive care. The police officers involved in this were fired, one of them was accused of negligent murder. In early June, the Minnesota attorney general indicted three more police officers in the Floyd case.

A new wave of unrest erupted after police in the city of Kenosha, Wisconsin, shot several times in the back of African-American Jacob Blake. The victim was hospitalized in serious condition.

The most ambitious promotions take place in Portland. Employees of federal law enforcement agencies were sent to the city.

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