NYT calculates cost of Trump’s coronavirus treatment

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The amount spent on the treatment of US President Donald Trump from the coronavirus exceeds $ 100 thousand.On Wednesday, October 7, The New York Times writes.

The publication reminds that the American leader arrived at the hospital and flew out by helicopter. According to the newspaper, he went through a large number of tests for coronavirus, received oxygen, steroids and experimental antibodies treatment.

“For someone who is not the president, it would cost more than $ 100 thousand in the American health care system,” – says the material.

The publication, in particular, notes that a flight to the hospital and back could cost $ 40 thousand.

Trump was discharged from hospital on Monday after three days of hospitalization with coronavirus. Doctors said on Wednesday that Trump no longer has symptoms of coronavirus, but did not release the president’s vital signs, as they did before during his treatment.

Earlier it became known that Trump announced that he gave an urgent order to provide hospitals with medicine for coronavirus infection, with which he himself was treated. According to the American leader, every American should receive the same treatment for COVID-19 as himself.

The American leader announced on October 2 that he was diagnosed with COVID-19. On the same day, he was hospitalized with mild symptoms at the Walter Reed Military Medical Hospital. The coronavirus was also confirmed in his wife Melania. On October 5, he was discharged from the hospital. It was reported that Trump will continue treatment at home, at his residence.

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