Named vitamin to relieve dizziness

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South Korean scientists have found a way to get rid of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV). Experts published the results of the study on August 5 in the journal Neurology.

Scientists analyzed data on the condition of 957 patients suffering from dizziness and undergoing physiotherapy. The volunteers were divided into two groups, the first was given twice a day vitamin D and calcium, and the second was a placebo.

It turned out that in patients from the first group, the incidence of dizziness decreased by 24%.

According to scientists, this is a very good result, since previously it was possible to influence BPPV only with regular procedures in the hospital.

“Our study shows that calcium and vitamin D supplementation is an inexpensive treatment with minimal potential for side effects,” said one of the authors, Dr. Kim Ji Soo.

BPPV is a recurring vertigo that occurs when the head is repositioned. This is the most common disease of the vestibular apparatus. Women get it more often than men.

In July, British experts spoke about methods of combating hypertension with products. According to them, the use of spinach, as well as some types of berries, will help normalize blood pressure.

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