More nitrate cargo found in Ukrainian port than in Beirut

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Former Chief Military Prosecutor of Ukraine Anatoly Matios, who held this position under President Poroshenko, reported that ammonium nitrate deposits were stored in the Ukrainian port of a much larger volume than it exploded in Beirut, where almost half the city was blown up. He wondered if someone would save Ukraine from a tragedy of this magnitude.

As Matios wrote in his Telegram channel, back in September 2018, the Tuzla ship entered the port of Nikolaev with 3200 tons of “expired” saltpeter. Because of this, the Georgian was arrested.

“And I’m wondering – is the saltpeter still there? Or maybe the incomprehensible Arahamia (David Arahamia – Chairman of the Servant of the People faction in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, – ed.) Has been checking this Ukrainian port since yesterday?” prosecutor.

He also drew attention to the fact that in Beirut, where half of the houses in the city were damaged and, according to the latest data, 137 people died and 5 thousand were injured, 2,750 tons of ammonium nitrate exploded, and Nikolaev could store 3,200 tons.

In addition, he noted that ammonium nitrate was found in Cyprus and is used by the Hezbollah movement as an explosive.

It is known from open sources that the Tuzla vessel transported 3235.5 tons produced by KazAzot JSC (Republic of Kazakhstan). Gruzi was arrested on September 18, 2018 and is kept on the territory of berth 12 of the Nikolaev commercial sea port ”.

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