Minsk called a non-independent step of the sanctions of Ukraine against Belarus

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Ukraine’s accession to the EU sanctions against Belarus is a non-independent decision that demonstrates the inconsistency of Kiev’s policy. This was announced on Thursday, November 26, by Belarusian Foreign Minister Vladimir Makei.

“Ukraine’s accession to the EU sanctions is another, in our opinion, non-independent decision of Ukraine, which demonstrates the inconsistency of the policy of our southern neighbors. And speaking frankly, we see it as practically a mockery of common sense, ”Makei said at a briefing following a meeting of the collegiums of the Belarusian Foreign Ministry and the Russian Foreign Ministry.

He also added that Minsk has already prepared a sanctions list, which includes several Ukrainian officials.

Earlier that day, the Belarusian Foreign Ministry protested to the Ambassador of Ukraine Igor Kizim because of the “anti-Belarusian actions” against the embassy of the republic in Kiev. Belarus also demanded to ensure the security of its diplomatic mission on the territory of Ukraine.

On November 13, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko threatened Kiev to close Belarus to Ukrainian goods. Lukashenko recalled that Kiev has now imposed sanctions against Belarus, and called on the neighboring state to “wake up”.

The presidential elections in Belarus were held on August 9. The protest actions of the opposition, disagreeing with the results of the voting, according to which Lukashenka won with 80.1% of the votes for the sixth time in a row, does not subside in the country. The voting results were not recognized by the countries of America and Europe. Sanctions have been imposed on Minsk.

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