Millions of Americans May Fall into Poverty

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By admin

An estimated 12.2 million Americans will fall into poverty if Congress does not expand its family assistance program. This is the conclusion reached by experts from the Urban Institute.

They believe that if extended unemployment benefits are not approved, a second stimulus package is adopted, and monthly SNAP food subsidies are increased, the poverty rate in the last five months of 2020 will rise to 11.9%. The researchers predict that in families where at least one person has lost their job due to the crisis, the poverty rate between August and December will be at 15.6%, while in Hispanic families – 20%. “Many families are preparing for difficult times and poverty as government support is almost dwindling,” said study author Gregory As. Experts argue that the most effective poverty prevention measure would be direct payments – $ 1,200 per person and $ 2,400 per family.

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