Mexican President named the topics of the first conversation with Biden

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Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador spoke with new American leader Joe Biden. The politician announced the past conversation on Saturday, January 23, on his page in Twitter.

“We spoke to President Biden in a friendly and respectful manner. We are discussing issues related to migration, COVID-19 and cooperation for development and prosperity. Everything indicates that relations will be good for the benefit of our peoples and nations, ”the head of state wrote.

Earlier on the same day, it became known that Biden, during a telephone conversation, agreed with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to meet in February.

Biden and Trudeau also discussed the fight against COVID-19, economic recovery, climate change, as well as cooperation between countries in the Arctic.

On Wednesday, January 20, Biden took office as the 46th President of the United States. On the first day of work, he, in particular, signed a decree abolishing the ban on entry into the country for citizens of a number of Islamic countries and stopped the construction of the wall on the border with Mexico.

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