Long winter vacations, shortened summer vacations, masks in schools and group learning: what awaits German schoolchildren

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SPD health expert Karl Lauterbach believes that it is very dangerous to open schools on January 11. “After the quarantine, which has been scheduled until January 10, it is impossible to return to regular education in school classes. Mask, airing when there are 30 children in classes will not work. Opening full-time schools means the risk of an exponential rise in infections, ” Lauterbach told the Rheinische Post.

The expert believes that schools should move to shift work. In addition, he calls for “dividing classes into two groups in all federal states and additional support for lagging and weak students, mandatory wearing of masks in schools and a reduction in summer holidays to compensate for the lack of knowledge in particular due to the extension of the winter break.” Earlier, the German Association for the Protection of Children called for a reduction in summer holidays and an extension of the Christmas holidays until the end of January.

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