The husband of pop singer Valentina Legkostupova Yuri Firsov said to the police that he did not beat his wife, but she was injured when she fell. This was reported to the site on Tuesday, August 11, by a source in law enforcement agencies.
Earlier that day, Firsov was taken to the Ministry of Internal Affairs to establish the circumstances in which the artist received a head injury.
He said that everything that happened was an accident. According to him, his wife slipped and fell in the bathroom. Firsov stressed that he did not beat his wife, and said that for two weeks they drank a lot together, notes the TV channel “360”. I could not name the exact date when the accident occurred.
The police officially confirmed that while Yuri Firsov was not accused of anything, he was released after testifying. As soon as the singer gets better, she will also be interviewed. The police are conducting an investigation into the incident.
The artist was hospitalized on August 11. She was diagnosed with cerebral edema. The 54-year-old singer is in a coma, her condition is assessed as serious. In addition to traumatic brain injury, several bruises were found on her body, the website writes.
On August 8, the singer’s daughter Anetta Bril came to her Moscow apartment and found her mother and her third husband, yachtsman Yuri Firsov, in an inadequate condition, after which she sent them to a private drug treatment center, from where Firsov fled the next day. There, the artist was diagnosed with a closed craniocerebral injury.
According to friends, Legkostupova and Firsov lived peacefully and happily. Meanwhile, REN TV learned that the son of Easystupova Matvey told the police that the artist’s new husband constantly made scandals and even attacked him with a knife because of requests to drink less. According to the young man, Yuri Firsov’s goal could have been his mother’s apartment.