Johnson expects to preserve UK integrity after Brexit

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British Prime Minister Boris Johnson fears that Northern Ireland and Scotland will want to secede from the country after Brexit, so he ordered assistance to the regions, writes The New York Times on August 7.

As it became known to the newspaper, the head of the British government sent the head of the Ministry of Finance of the kingdom Rishi Sunak to Scotland in order to suppress the nationalist sentiments that have intensified there in the past few months. Recent polls show that more than half of Scots (52%) would support the country’s course of independence.

Sunak, who is coordinating the work of the British government to save the economy from the effects of the pandemic, visited a number of enterprises and told reporters that about 65,000 Scottish firms received £ 2 billion ($ 2.6 billion) in loans to weather the crisis.

Another senior official, Minister for Special Assignments Michael Gove, traveled to Northern Ireland with nearly $ 500 million in aid to help local companies deal with the effects of the pandemic.

On August 4, it became known that the number of Britons who moved to the EU countries after the referendum on Britain’s exit from the EU increased by 30%.

The UK officially left the European Union at midnight on January 31st. Until the end of 2020, the country will remain in the European Customs Union and the single market.

The country’s authorities have officially notified the European Union that they will not extend the transition period for leaving the EU, ending December 31, 2020, and the United Kingdom will regain political and economic independence on January 1.

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