Buffalo residents generously thanked teenager for cleaning up trash after protests

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Antonio Gwynn, Jr.

With his own money, he bought garbage bags, took a broom and began to act alone at night. When a group of local residents arrived in an orderly way to clean up in the morning, they saw that Gwynn had already done most of the work on many streets. Rumors about Gwynn’s act quickly spread throughout the city, and residents decided to thank the teenager. 27-year-old Matt Block, who read a story about the youngster on local news, decided to give him his red 2004 Mustang car. He saw Gwynn’s Facebook post, in which Antonio asks for advice on what kind of car he could buy, and decided on a generous gift. It turned out that the teenager dreamed of just such a car. Local businessman Bob Bryceland found out about Block’s gift and gave Gwynn a year of free car insurance from his insurance agency. After leaving school, Gwynn wanted to go to college and saved up money for his studies. After hearing his story, Medaille College in Buffalo offered him a full scholarship starting this fall.

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