Jacob Blake case: the NBA playoffs will resume

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The NBA players have decided they will resume the playoffs, the ones who boycotted Wednesday night’s clashes, due to the armed police intervention against Jacob Blake.

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This is what the ESPN network argued. The clashes on Thursday evening would however be postponed. Silver Circuit activities could resume on Friday.

Recall that the armed assault by a Wisconsin police officer against Jacob Blake, an African-American, triggered anger and indignation among NBA players, several athletes from other professional sports leagues and millions of citizens.

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Last Sunday, the man was shot in the back by numerous projectiles from a firearm, while his children were watching the scene.

On Wednesday, the Milwaukee Bucks were the first to choose not to play to get their point across. They were scheduled to face the Orlando Magic at 4:00 p.m. in the fifth game of their first-round series.

The NBA then decided to postpone all the games scheduled for that day.

Also according to ESPN, the players would have met in the evening to establish the next steps in their fight against racial injustices. The Los Angeles Lakers and Clippers players would have voted in favor of a cancellation of the playoffs, while the other teams would like to conclude the 2019-2020 campaign.

NBA governors also gathered Thursday morning to take stock of the situation.

A tweet from Obama

Former United States President Barack Obama commented on the boycott of NBA players yesterday on his Twitter account. “We are going to need all our institutions to stand up to assert our values,” he said.

Trump’s son-in-law jokes about NBA players

“They can afford the luxury” of protesting against police blunders and racism: Jared Kushner, son-in-law and adviser to Donald Trump, quipped Thursday about the NBA basketball players who decided to boycott the competitions in reaction to the affair Jacob Blake.

Jacob Blake case: the NBA playoffs will resume

“NBA players can afford the luxury of taking an evening off, a luxury most Americans cannot afford,” he said in an interview with the Politico news site.

“I find it nice that they are mobilizing for this cause, but I would like to see them start to move forward towards concrete solutions,” he added.

NFL: no training at the Colts

The Indianapolis Colts decided to hold a day of talks instead of training Thursday.

This is what the NFL club announced on its Twitter account.

“The Colts will not practice today [jeudi]. Instead, the team will use the day to discuss and work on what needs to be done to have an impact on society and inspire change in our communities. ”

This decision of the Colts is part of a movement that follows another police attack in the United States.

Jacob Blake, an African-American, was shot seven times in the back on Sunday while he was with his children.

In order to express their dissatisfaction and their fed up, several NBA and Major Baseball athletes have chosen to boycott their Wednesday night clashes.

In the NBA, all games were postponed, while three games suffered the same fate in the major leagues.

-With AFP and Journaldemontréal.com

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