Ireland: police arrest eleven people protesting against re-containment

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By admin

Irish police said they arrested eleven people protesting in Dublin on Thursday evening against the nationwide re-containment in an attempt to curb the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Around 100 people marched through central Dublin on Thursday evening under a banner proclaiming “end the confinement”, prompting the intervention of riot police accompanied by dogs.

Protesters were told they were violating anti-COVID-19 provisions and were “asked to disperse”, according to a police spokesperson. But eleven of them were arrested “after incidents disturbing public order” in the shopping district of the capital.

To hope “to celebrate Christmas properly”, according to Prime Minister Micheal Martin, Ireland has taken the toughest measures in Europe. They came into force at midnight on Wednesday: the entire population is re-confined for six weeks, non-essential businesses are closed, but schools will remain open.

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