In which areas of the Smolensk region recorded the most fires since the beginning of the year

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As of August 1, 2020, 3038 fires were registered in the Smolensk region, less than in the same period last year, when there were 3738 of them. Where fires happened most often. According to the Main Directorate of the Russian Emergencies Ministry for the Smolensk region, the Smolensk region is in first place in terms of the number of fires – 718 fires. In second place is the regional center: in Smolensk, firefighters liquidated 428 fires. This is followed by Roslavl district – 201 fires, then Safonovsky (179) and Vyazemsky districts (179).

In the regional center, the dominant number of fires occurred in the Zadneprovsky district of the city – 192.

Since the beginning of the year, firefighters have rescued 56 people, more than 800 people have been evacuated due to a possible threat. The fire and smoke claimed 43 lives, 32 people received burns and injuries of varying severity.

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