In the USA, a hunter found a girl’s note for Santa in the forest and gave them gifts

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A hunter from the American state of Louisiana found a note for Santa Claus from a four-year-old girl in the forest and decided to fulfill her wishes. This was reported by the CNN television company.

As the TV channel notes, Alvin Bamburgh, while walking in the forest, saw a balloon stuck in a tree. Taking it off, he found a note inside.

“Dear Santa, my name is Luna, I am four years old. I live in Kansas. This year I have behaved well. I would like you to give me a candy, a ball with Spider-Man, a doll from Frozen, a puppy and a My Little Pony toy, ”the letter said.

The man was so moved that he decided to find the author of the message. As a result, it turned out that in December last year, the balls were launched by twins Luna and Janella Gonzalez, one of them was found two weeks later in Louisiana.

Through social networks, Bamburgh tracked down the girls’ mother and announced his find. According to him, the woman was delighted with this news, and they agreed that the man would become a belated Santa for the little sisters. At the end of April 2021, he met with Luna and Janella to present gifts.

The hunter fulfilled not only the wishes of the moon, but also of Janella. The dachshund puppy, who was named Max, was especially delighted.

“Seeing these little girls smiling is something. The puppy ran around them and then sat on his knees. Such a spectacle is priceless, ”he shared with journalists from the Bamburgh Channel.

In 2019, the Russians tracked down the girl Sofia from Austria and gave her gifts. She sent a balloon with a letter to Santa Claus from the city of Oberndorf, and he landed in the Kislovodsk area.