In Russia predicted an increase in gasoline prices

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Wholesale fuel prices in Russia could skyrocket in January following the rise in oil prices. About this on Monday, January 11, the newspaper “Kommersant” writes.

They indicated that since December 2020, AI-92 and AI-95 have risen in price by 8% – up to 48 thousand rubles and 49 thousand rubles per ton, respectively.

It is noted that, in theory, the state should compensate companies for part of the losses from the sale of fuel within the country through a damper, but in January companies will have to pay through this mechanism to the budget.

As the newspaper writes, the volume of gasoline sales on the SPIMEX exchange from December 21 to 25 in average daily terms fell by 15% relative to the previous week.

Experts believe that this could have happened due to the fact that manufacturers increased their export shipments, since the domestic market has been losing profitability to the export alternative for six and a half weeks.

In addition, the dynamics of growth in fuel prices may strengthen due to an increase in oil prices, which rose by almost 10% at the beginning of this year, to $ 56 per barrel. At the same time, the ruble against the dollar hardly appreciated. As a result, the export of gasoline becomes even more profitable for oil companies, the newspaper said.

On August 25, the Federal Antimonopoly Service reported on the stabilization of fuel prices in Russia after the coronavirus pandemic.

According to the deputy head of the FAS, State Secretary Andrei Tsarikovsky, the lifting of quarantine restrictions caused a sharp increase in demand with low supply. The rise in prices for some grades of gasoline in wholesale, caused by this situation, was stopped by a number of reverse measures.

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