In Minsk, security forces attacked BBC journalists

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The Russian service of the BBC in Minsk announced an attack on its journalists by security forces on August 11. The information is posted on the information portal.

Three journalists were injured, all of them had accreditations, certificates and identification vests issued by the Belarusian Foreign Ministry, the BBC reports.

According to the information service, the press was approached by men in black uniforms without insignia and demanded to show accreditation, but then “went off the rails”: they ripped the card from the correspondent’s neck and snatched the camera from his hands.

When the journalists began to ask to return the accreditation card, the fighters beat the operator and smashed the camera.

Earlier, Russian journalist Yuri Dud posted on his Telegram channel an appeal to law enforcement officers of Belarus, urging them to stop the violence. “Everyone understands that without strong boys and girls in uniform, no state can exist. But something tells me that you did not train to cripple the unarmed citizens of your country. If you do it of your own free will, I believe that you are wrong. If you are doing this by order of your superiors, then these superiors should be sent away, “he wrote.

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