In Indonesia, a 12-year-old girl woke up while relatives were preparing her body for funeral. This was announced on Monday, August 24, by the Daily Star portal.
The teenager was hospitalized due to complications caused by chronic diabetes. On the same day, doctors pronounced her death. After that, the child’s relatives began preparations for the burial ceremony.
According to eyewitnesses, the girl opened her eyes during ablution, her body temperature rose, and her heart began to beat again. Ambulance doctors were called to the scene, but despite their efforts, the girl nevertheless died an hour after the “resurrection,” writes
The incident could have been due to Lazarus syndrome. In patients who die of a heart attack, blood circulation may spontaneously resume, which leads to the restoration of breathing and heartbeat, the website writes.
On August 20, it was reported that an elderly woman who had previously regained consciousness after an operation in a Kursk morgue died a few days later. The causes of death of the 81-year-old woman, whom the doctors of the Gorshechensky hospital sent to the morgue while still alive, were not named in the regional administration.