Imprisoned after a jet-ski trip to join his beloved in full confinement

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He had ridden a jet ski for the first time in his life, crossed a raging and icy sea then walked for hours to join his beloved on the Isle of Man before getting caught: callous, local justice l ‘sent to jail for breach of containment.

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According to the BBC, Dale McLaughlan, a resident of Ayrshire, in the south of Scotland, met his girlfriend in September while working as a roofer on the Isle of Man, a British Autonomous Territory in the South of Scotland. Ireland.

Returning home at the end of his contract, the 28-year-old had not been able to return to see his fiancée, the Isle of Man, yet very close to Scotland, having in the meantime prohibited non- residents to dock due to the COVID-19 outbreak.

In despair, the frustrated lover rented a jet-ski last Friday, a machine he had never piloted before, in order to make the 40-kilometer crossing clandestinely.

According to his calculations, the trip should only take 40 minutes. But it finally took more than four hours to reach the island, braving rough seas and around 8 ° C. After that, he had to walk another 24 kilometers to reach his girlfriend’s house, reports the BBC, which cites documents from the legal process.

It was after celebrating his reunion with his fiancée in nightclubs that the young man was spotted by the police and arrested for illegally entering the island.

A local judge sentenced him to four weeks in prison for “intentionally and premeditatedly violating” confinement rules on the Isle of Man, despite appeals for leniency from his lawyer, who pleaded depression.

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