How Volgograd residents stay healthy during stress

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Long-term stress can damage both physical and psychological health. What should be done so that experiences do not interfere with life, read our material.

If sleep began to be disrupted, appetite decreased or increased sharply, mood deteriorated, aggression and irritability increased, the reason may be excessive stress. It may feel like this condition will never go away.

The daily routine helps to cope with this condition. It is important to adhere to a clear schedule, do not forget to do what you like, writes Volgogradskaya

Nutrition is also important to keep track of. Stress often makes you want to eat sweets, as sugar causes a spike in serotonin, the hormone of good mood. Energy is best obtained with the help of complex carbohydrates – whole grains, vegetables, legumes, greens.

During times of stress, it is also worth remembering about physical activity: exercise promotes the production of endorphins, the hormone of happiness. If you can’t go to the gym, you can work out at home, short interval workouts will do.

To improve your well-being, walks in the fresh air are also important, even twenty minutes is enough. The main thing is not to be distracted by a smartphone and thoughts about work.

Sleep is equally important. It is important to spend enough hours in bed. It is individual for each person.

Note that if negative symptoms do not go away for a long time, you should visit a specialist – a neurologist or psychiatrist.

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