Health: coronavirus will complicate the upcoming flu epidemic in Karelia

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With the onset of autumn and low temperatures, the epidemic season for viral respiratory diseases will traditionally begin in Karelia. As the Minister of Health of the region Mikhail Okhlopkov said on his page, 60% of residents of Karelia should be vaccinated against influenza this year.

The Minister emphasizes that in 2020 the situation in the region will be difficult, due to the fact that the coronavirus will be superimposed on the flu, which has not yet left Karelia. Based on this, five infectious diseases hospitals will be created to separate the flows of patients with respiratory diseases without COVID-19 and vice versa of those who have this virus.

Soon, the republic will receive more than 53 thousand doses of vaccine for children, purchased at the expense of federal funds. You will be able to get a free flu shot at local clinics.

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