Hartz IV recipients will receive markups and coupons for the purchase of FFP2 masks

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In order to fight the coronavirus, the federal government and the authorities of the federal states have decided to introduce additional protection measures, some of which will hurt the wallets of the country’s residents. Federal Labor Minister Hubertus Heil is in favor of paying a cash premium for Hartz IV recipients.

The obligation to wear expensive surgical or FFP2 masks will affect the financial situation of the country’s poor. Hubertus Hile plans to help these populations in the form of a premium for the purchase of funds needed to fight the coronavirus and for hygiene items, the politician said in an interview with the Rheinische Post. Aid, according to the minister, is especially necessary, for example, for children of single parents and long-term unemployed citizens.

Along with the support plan for the poor, the Ministry of Social Affairs is developing a concept to provide recipients of social benefits like Hartz IV with medical and FFP2 masks. The federal and state governments are planning to issue coupons to them for the purchase of protective masks in pharmacies, on the same principle as is already done for the elderly and citizens with chronic diseases.

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