Google plans to build the largest earthquake alert network

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The American company Google announced that it is going to create the most extensive network for earthquake recognition using smartphones on Android.

“From now on, your Android phone can become part of an earthquake alert system wherever you live. This means your phone can be a mini seismometer and join millions of other Android phones to create the world’s largest earthquake alert system. earthquake recognition “, – said on the official website of Google.

The company made it clear that smartphones are equipped with small accelerometers, they record signals indicating an earthquake nearby. All data from a variety of gadgets around the world will be sent to a specially created server. It will process the incoming data to determine if an earthquake is actually starting at some point.

Information about seismic activity will be displayed in a special window upon request in the Google search bar. Later, the company plans to send earthquake notifications to residents of all countries.

Earlier, Aleksey Ostapchuk, Senior Researcher at IDG RAS, Associate Professor of the Department of Theoretical and Experimental Physics of Geosystems at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, told how seismologists studied the occurrence of rapid and slow earthquakes in the same place, and also learned how to “calm down” the cataclysm.

In Russia, one of the last earthquakes occurred on July 30 on the territory of the North-Baikal region of Buryatia. The energy class of the earthquake was as much as 10.0 points. Scientists emphasized that the epicenter was located in a remote mountainous taiga area north of the Dzherginsky nature reserve.

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