Germany: PM expects third wave in three weeks

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Despite the consistently high number of infected people in Germany, most federal states allow small indulgences in social contacts during the Christmas period. Saxony Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer expects that the third wave of coronavirus will cover Germany around the day on which the end of the strict quarantine regime is currently scheduled. “The third wave will be. The only question is how large-scale it will be ”, said Kretschmer.

Experts, having modeled the situation, assume that the third wave in Germany will indeed come, and expect it to appear in the period from January 10 to 15, – the politician says. The introduced measures of the rigid isolation regime are planned until January 10, but already now voices are heard that the measures will be extended. Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel and 16 prime ministers of the federal states plan to discuss an action plan for the country, starting from the second decade of January 5 January.

Germany says this:

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