Germany: Meat production drops in the country due to coronavirus

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Production of meat and meat products in Germany fell in the second quarter of 2020 due to the coronavirus crisis. According to the Federal Statistical Office, compared to the same period last year, there was a decrease of 2.6%.

The forced shutdown of the Tönnies meat processing plant after the outbreak of coronavirus infection at the enterprise played a serious role in this process. At the same time, according to statistics, the closure of Tönnies had a positive effect on the turnover of other manufacturers.

The highest demand in Germany is still observed for chicken meat, the production of which has increased by 1.9% over the past 6 months, while the popularity of beef continues to fall.

The trade union of workers in the food industry and public catering enterprises criticized the entire system of meat production in the country, pointing out that a high level of production, even in times of crisis, remains due to the unacceptable living and working conditions of tens of thousands of workers at the factories who came to Germany to earn money from Eastern Europe. “The agreed ban on contract contracts and temporary work in the meat industry should go into effect in September with no exceptions,” said union vice chairman Freddie Adian.

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