Germany: German from Kazakhstan suspected of committing anti-Semitic attack

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The young man was attacked with a shovel in front of a synagogue in Hamburg. The uniformed attacker allegedly had a note with a swastika on it.

On Sunday afternoon, a man armed with a folding shovel attacked a 26-year-old young man in front of a synagogue in Hamburg and seriously injured him, police said. The crime, according to the Süddeutsche Zeitung, the NDR and the WDR, is qualified as a “clearly anti-Semitic attack”. It is known that a man in military uniform attacked a Jewish student. The 29-year-old criminal had a leaflet with a swastika in his pocket, writes dpa.

The assailant appears to be out of his mind, police said. “It was extremely difficult to interrogate him,” a police spokeswoman said Sunday evening. The attacker is a Russian German from Kazakhstan. Where he got the camouflage uniform that was on him during the crime, it turns out.

The police are currently not providing additional information. It is known that a 29-year-old man in “clothes similar to the uniform of employees in the Bundeswehr” hit a 26-year-old young man in the head with a shovel and inflicted serious, but not life-threatening, injuries, “the police said in a statement.

The 26-year-old man was able to escape from the attacker. Before the arrival of the rescue services, passers-by provided the victim with first aid. Police stationed outside the synagogue who noticed the incident arrested the attacker. The reasons for what happened are being investigated. State security officers are connected.

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