The coronavirus pandemic has changed the conservative attitude towards digital technology in the academic environment, but the implementation of technology should be considered carefully. This was told by the participants of the III Stolypin Forum “The Immune System of the World Economy”, which took place on September 4-5 with the support of MGIMO.
During the discussions, experts emphasized the need for careful implementation of technologies in the field of school education, despite the obvious advantages of the distance format.
These include ensuring equal access to knowledge of the highest quality in any schools, especially rural ones, sharing best practices and improving the qualifications of teachers, an individual approach to each child, taking into account his characteristics, access to high-quality digital resources, the vice president of the group of companies said. Enlightenment ”Pavel Zenkovich.
In these conditions, according to the vice-president of “Enlightenment”, producers of educational content and government bodies face an important task. Given the variety of online platforms and other digital platforms that provide access to education, it is necessary to develop mechanisms to ensure the quality of posted content.
The speaker also drew attention to the need for expertise of electronic resources. The system of examination of paper textbooks has traditionally been carried out for a long time, but in relation to electronic resources there is no such system yet.
The Prosveshchenie Group of Companies pays special attention to the quality of content that is posted both in textbooks and on digital platforms. Children, their parents and teachers should be sure that this content is verified, that it will help the child prepare for exams and move on to the next level of education, ”Zenkovich concluded.
At the forum, experts also appreciated the growing popularity of the online learning format.
Jeff Magionkalda, CEO of Coursera, said the platform, the company’s product, was created at Stanford eight years ago to provide access to online resources from the world’s leading universities. Since March this year, more than 19 million new students have received access to the platform for free, including about 500 thousand from Russia.
In his opinion, in the next 3-4 years the demand for lifelong education will grow and blended learning will become its main format, when one can study both online and offline.
The day before, the Ministry of Education told in what cases schools can be transferred to distance learning and how educational institutions are monitored in connection with the emergence of cases of coronavirus infection in schools in the country.