Ex-head of intelligence of the Czech Republic saw US interest in expelling Russian diplomats from Slovakia

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The American special services may be interested in the expulsion of three Russian diplomats from Slovakia. This was announced on August 11 by the former head of the Czech military intelligence, Andor Sandor.

According to him, this is evidenced by the reaction of the press secretary of the US State Department Morgan Ortagus. She wrote on Twitter that Washington welcomes Slovakia’s actions to defend against threats to its sovereignty. In her opinion, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Slovakia made it clear that it would not tolerate “politically motivated criminal actions of Russia” either on Slovak soil or in Europe.

According to Sandor, such a comment is quite unusual. “It is quite possible that he also points to the joint interest of the Slovak and American special services. It should also be borne in mind that US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has now arrived on a tour of Central Europe and is in the Czech Republic, “RIA Novosti quotes him.

As Sandor added, the expulsion of diplomats during Pompeo’s visit from one of the countries is a very strong signal.

An anonymous official told Bloomberg about the decision of the Slovak authorities to expel three Russian diplomats on August 10. According to him, the Russians are suspected of espionage.

Russia expressed regret about the expulsion of its diplomats from Slovakia and called Bratislava’s actions unconstructive.

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