Every fifth Russian saved during the New Year holidays

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Every fifth Russian saved during the New Year holidays, according to the results of a survey conducted by the developer of software for business management “Megaplan”. The study was conducted among 1518 employees and managers of SMEs.

According to the survey, 24.7% of employees said that they had to save on New Year’s holidays. 18.9% save not only on holidays, and 56.4% did not save at all.

Most often, Russians saved on New Year’s attributes and decorations (25.2%), alcohol (20.4%), gifts (19.5%), orders in services (18.6%), food (10.2%) and on gasoline (5.8%). The smallest items of expenditure were the Internet and telephone communications (0.4%).

35.5% of the respondents said that they worked on New Year’s holidays for several days, more than half – 52.7% – answered that they did not work at all. 11.8% admitted that they worked throughout the entire vacation.

On entertainment during the New Year holidays, 29.7% of respondents spent about 10 thousand rubles, 12.5% ​​- about 20 thousand rubles, 5% – about 30 thousand rubles, 4.2% – over 50 thousand rubles and only a small part of the research participants, 1.7%, spent about 100 thousand rubles. Almost half of the respondents – 46.7% – did not spend on entertainment at all, it follows from the survey.

According to the results of the survey, finances for New Year’s spending were postponed 55% of respondents, 23.2% did not see the need for this, and 21.8% said that, in principle, they did not make cash reserves for the holidays.

According to Sergey Kozlov, General Director of Megaplan, last year redistributed the priorities of Russians’ money spending. “Many were forced to tighten their belts and get serious about accumulating finances for the future,” he said.

Earlier on January 19, it became known that on New Year’s holidays, Russians spent 40% less on vacation in hotels than on last New Year’s holidays.

According to the Central Bank of Russia for December 2020, Russians’ spending on tourism decreased by 51% compared to the average from January 20 to March 13, 2020.

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