[EN DIRECT] All the developments of the pandemic

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Whether in Quebec or elsewhere on the planet, the COVID-19 pandemic is disrupting our lives.

Here you will find all the news throughout the day related to this crisis affecting the population, governments and the economy.



Case: 37 347 102

Death: 1,074,732


Case: 181 770, 86 133 in Quebec

Death: 9612, 5953 in Quebec


17:33 | Coronavirus: Boris Johnson will announce a new alert system

[EN DIRECT]  All the developments of the pandemic

5:25 pm | Italy plans to lighten its anti-COVID-19 health protocol

The Italian Technical and Scientific Committee (CTS), the body that advises the government of Rome in the fight against the COVID-19 epidemic, is proposing measures that lighten the health protocol, such as reducing the quarantine to ten days.

Until now, in the event of a positive test or close contact with a person who tested positive, the rule was to impose a quarantine of 14 days and two negative tests thereafter in order to be considered cured.

Now the quarantine, according to the CTS proposal which has yet to be adopted Monday or Tuesday by the government, will be only ten days, while a single negative test will be enough to establish that a person is cured, according to a statement from the CTS published Sunday evening.

This rule would be valid for asymptomatic patients, while people who have developed symptoms will be subject to the same provisions in the event that they have not presented symptoms in the last three days.

Italian Health Minister Roberto Speranza said Sunday, after a meeting with members of the CTS, that he is also proposing to the government a ban on all parties, public or private.

Rome is also considering stopping amateur sports activities, such as football or basketball with friends.

“After weeks of the government seeking to widen the cracks, we are now forced to tighten them,” he added.

The first country affected in Europe, Italy has paid a heavy price for the epidemic and has passed 36,000 deaths, with more than 350,000 cases diagnosed since the start of the epidemic. It has recently recorded an upsurge in cases, forcing the government to consider even more stringent measures.

The Italian government has decided for the moment to make it compulsory to wear a mask in all circumstances and places outside one’s own home and has extended the state of emergency due to the COVID-19 epidemic until January 31.

2:52 pm | France: two new large cities on “maximum alert”

Two new large French cities, Toulouse and Montpellier, will be added on Tuesday to the list of cities on “maximum alert” in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, the authorities announced.

Lyon, Grenoble, SaintÉtienne and Lille passed Saturday in “maximum alert zone”, as was already the case in Paris and Aix-Marseille, as well as in Guadeloupe.

13:32 | A less gloomy record in the country

Despite this upturn, Canada’s public health administrator, Dr. Teresa Tam, expressed concern, considering the alarming statistics of the past week.

On this long Thanksgiving weekend, a much celebrated holiday in English Canada, Dr. Tam fears that family festivities will accelerate the spread of the virus.

11am | Quebec reports 942 new daily cases and three deaths

10:39 am | United States: the new stimulus plan is not dead

After a week of about-face and procrastination, the Trump administration finally increased its budget to support the US economy to $ 1.8 trillion on Friday, hoping to tie up, within four weeks of the presidential election, a deal with the Democrats.

10:32 am | Catalonia and Navarre tighten their restrictions

Two Spanish regions bordering France, Catalonia and Navarre, announced on Sunday that they were tightening their restrictions in an attempt to curb an increase in COVID-19 contamination.

From Tuesday, meetings will be limited to six people in Navarre, which has 650,000 inhabitants, while bars and restaurants will have to close at 10 p.m. and accommodate only 30% of their usual clientele, said the president of the region, Maria Chivite.

10:31 am | “I am immune” to COVID-19, says Donald Trump

“It looks like I’m immune, for, I don’t know, maybe a long time, maybe a short time, maybe for life. Nobody really knows, but I’m immune, ”he said in a telephone interview on Fox News.

[EN DIRECT]  All the developments of the pandemic

10h | NFL: another Patriots game postponed

In recent days, three positive cases for the coronavirus have been identified among the “Pats”. Cam Newton, Stephon Gilmore and Bill Murray have been placed in quarantine. The duel between the Denver Broncos and the Patriots has therefore been postponed to October 18.

9:57 am | Majority of Canadians in favor of closing non-essential businesses

According to the probe conducted by the firm Nanos Research for CTV News, nearly 70% of Canadians support the closure of businesses deemed non-essential during a pandemic, such as gyms and places of worship. They would also be in agreement with allowing restaurants to offer take-out only.

6:50 am | Lebanon: around 170 localities confined from Monday

Nearly 170 villages and localities, including several dozen already cordoned off, will be confined for a week from Monday in Lebanon, plagued by daily records of COVID-19 contamination, the Interior Ministry announced on Sunday.

The Lebanese authorities have also decreed the closure “until further notice” of bars and nightclubs throughout the country.

3h44 | A new test developed by the University of Calgary

Researchers at the University of Calgary have developed a new protein-based COVID-19 test that would reduce reliance on supply chains from the current test.

While the tests currently used require a nasal or throat swab to analyze viral RNA, this new method would rather focus on looking for components of viral proteins.

1h | More after-effects of COVID-19 after four months

A nurse from Montérégie who is still suffering from serious after-effects four months after contracting COVID-19 is urging Quebecers to take the threat of coronavirus seriously.

[EN DIRECT]  All the developments of the pandemic

0h50 | India crosses 7 million case threshold

Figures from the Department of Health show an increase of nearly 75,000 new cases on Sunday, bringing the total number of infected people in India to 7.05 million, the second largest total behind the United States.

0h00 | Antibodies four months after infection

Two new studies point to a lasting immune response in people who have recovered from COVID-19, especially those who have suffered from a severe form of the disease.

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