Dobrovinsky suggested a guilty verdict in the Efremov case

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The verdict in the case of an accident involving the actor Mikhail Efremov is likely to be an accusatory one. After reading the case materials, this was stated by the lawyer of the injured party, Alexander Dobrovinsky.

“It seems to me so, based on the materials of the case that I see,” he said on the air of the program “60 minutes” of the channel “Russia 1”. The materials give every reason to believe that Efremov was driving his car at the time of the accident, the lawyer emphasized.

According to Dobrovinsky, the court announced daily hearings in the case. Considering that it contains five volumes and about 7 hours of video recordings, under this mode the review will take from four to six to seven weeks, he noted.

The lawyer stressed that his clients have not yet received any apologies from Efremov. There is a video message from the artist – according to the lawyer – “an excellent actor’s record”, where he mostly talks about himself, but there were no personal apologies or financial offers.

Dobrovinsky noted that his clients (he represents three of the four victims) did not want pre-trial financial relations with Efremov. He stated that he had prepared three civil claims from each of the victims and would file them “in due time.”

Earlier, on July 30, the court extended Efremova’s house arrest for 6 months, until January 2021.

Efremov’s lawyer Elman Pashayev opposed and asked to allow the actor a two-hour walk, but this request was refused.

On the same day, the lawyer said that Efremov would not ask the court to consider the case in a special order, since this implies an admission of guilt, and the actor does not admit it.

The accident happened on Smolenskaya Square in the center of Moscow on June 8. Efremov’s SUV drove into the oncoming lane and rammed a Lada van head-on. The driver of a domestic car, courier Sergei Zakharov, was seriously injured and died from his injuries the next morning at the Sklifosovsky Research Institute.

The examination showed the presence of alcohol and traces of drugs in the actor’s body at the time of the accident. On the fact of the incident, a criminal case was opened under Part 4 of Art. 264 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Violation of the rules of the road and the operation of vehicles, committed by a person under the influence of alcohol and resulting in the death of a person.” The prosecutor’s office has already approved the indictment in this case.

Efremov remained silent for some time after the incident, but then published a video in which he apologized and offered compensation to the family of the deceased.

Zakharov’s widow, his brother and two sons were initially recognized as victims. Also, the civil wife of the deceased asked for recognition as fluttered, but this issue has not yet been resolved.

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