Death toll rises to 17 after hard landing in India

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The death toll after a hard landing of an Air India Express passenger plane in the Indian city of Kozhikode, Kerala, rose to 17. This was reported by NDTV on 7 August.

According to the channel, both pilots of the flight were among the victims of the tragedy. One of the lost aircraft commanders was previously an Indian Air Force pilot and an experienced pilot.

It is also reported that the rescue operation has been completed, all the victims have been removed from the plane.

The board followed to India from Dubai. Due to difficult weather conditions (rain), the plane landed twice. Despite the efforts of the pilots, the airliner rolled off the runway and broke in two.

On board the vessel, according to NDTV, there were 184 people, not counting the crew. The flight was operated as part of a program to return Indian citizens from abroad during the coronavirus pandemic.

Earlier in the day, 16 deaths were reported.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi expressed his condolences in connection with the plane crash.

“I am in pain from the plane crash in Kozhikode. My thoughts are with those who have lost their loved ones. Let the victims recover as early as possible. I discussed the situation with the Chief Minister of Kerala Pinaraya Vijayan. The representatives of the authorities are on the spot and provide all the necessary assistance to the victims, ”he wrote in his Twitter

In addition, at the moment it is already known that there were no Russians on board this flight.

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