Coronavirus in Saratov is weakening, but mortality remains high

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At a briefing in the regional ministry of health, journalists always try to get encouraging information that the pandemic is coming to naught. However, officials continue to talk about the severity of the disease, citing compelling facts and figures.

– The disease is still quite dangerous. The statistics of deaths does not make it possible to say that the virus is mutating towards weakening, – said Igor Vyatkin, a spokesman for Rospotrebnadzor. – However, the number of pneumonia has decreased, more and more new coronavirus infection proceeds in the form of ARVI.

They asked Vyatkin when it would be already possible not to be afraid of infection. The official added that this will happen when about 60% of citizens are vaccinated, besides, those who have recovered also have immunity.

– If vaccination continues at the pace that it is now, soon there will be simply no one to transmit the virus to, – Igor Vyatkin is convinced.

And vaccination, it must be admitted, is going briskly. According to the Deputy Minister of Health of the region Denis Graifer, over 200 thousand doses of vaccine have been delivered to the region. Vaccination continues at 84 vaccination points. Moreover, a round-the-clock point was opened in Saratov

– He works on the basis of the trauma center of the Saratov city polyclinic number 2, located on Moskovskaya street. From 20 to 8 o’clock in the morning, you can get vaccinated at the trauma center itself. The rest of the time – in the building of the clinic, – the official explained.

Similar round-the-clock points will soon appear in Balakovo and other municipal districts.

According to Denis Greifer, Saratov residents show conscientiousness and are actively vaccinated against the new coronavirus infection. More than 50% of people over 60 have already been vaccinated. This is a very decent figure.

Unlike the Samara region, where mobile vaccination complexes work on the May holidays and are vaccinated directly at their summer cottages, in the Saratov region they have not thought of this yet.

When asked why residents of the region stopped wearing medical masks when visiting stores, Igor Vyatkin said that police officers are obliged to monitor compliance with this requirement. But, as we can see, they stopped doing this.

Denis GRAYFER, Deputy Minister of Health of the Saratov Region:

“When we first encountered a new coronavirus infection, we did not quite understand how to deal with it. Now a routing scheme has been established, medical workers have gained experience in treatment. The main thing is timely appeal

for medical help.

And the best thing is prevention, that is, vaccination. “