Changes in Germany in September: Child Bonus, Benefits for Hartz IV Recipients, Internship Scholarships

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What will change in September 2020: Deutsche Bahn introduces tighter controls on violators of the requirement to wear protective masks. An unpleasant surprise awaits for lottery lovers – lottery tickets will rise in price. Changes await the recipients of Hartz IV: the special rules introduced due to the coronacrisis expire.

► Starting September 23, lottery lovers will pay more. Each field for one game of the lottery will rise in price by 0.20 euros and will cost 1.20. However, winning a million by matching six correct numbers with no extra number becomes easier. A jackpot limit of € 45 million is introduced.

► A one-time bonus for children will be paid in September. Rather, the first part is 200 euros per child. Another 100 euros will be transferred in October. The € 300 bonus is part of the economic stimulus package. The exact date of payment depends on the last digit of the child benefit number. If the number ends in 0, the money will be transferred by September 7th. The rest of the families will receive a bonus within a month. Detailed information can be obtained from the Federal Employment Agency.

► Special rules for recipients of Hartz IV benefits, introduced due to the pandemic, will expire on September 30, 2020. Until the end of the month, the employment center does not check whether the applicant has the financial means to support his existence. Also, the verification of living conditions was temporarily canceled, to what extent they are adequate for the applicant’s situation. This relaxation ends at the end of September. The rules were introduced to ensure that those affected by the pandemic did not lose their homes during the crisis.

► The governments of the federal states can introduce zones where there is a ban on carrying weapons, even if the region is not a crime hot spot. This also applies to the ban on knives with a blade length of four centimeters or more. Those claiming possession of a weapon will be subject to stricter checks. The authorities will request information from the Office for the Protection of the Constitution whether the applicant is listed as an extremist or a member of an anti-constitutional organization. In addition, since September, it is only allowed to buy or sell weapons upon presentation of the National Arms Register identification number (NWR-ID).

► After the end of the holiday season, free coronavirus tests will be discontinued for travelers returning from non-risk areas.

► From September 1, Deutsche Bahn will have stricter control over the rules for wearing masks on trains. Many passengers refuse to wear mouth and nose covers on public transport. From the beginning of the month, Deutsche Bahn wants to tighten controls. The federal police will provide support. “Wearing a mask is not an optional recommendation, but an obligation,” says DB security chief Hans-Hilmar Rieschke.

► A new academic year for trainees begins in September. For the first time, interns will receive a minimum tuition allowance. The intern will receive a scholarship of € 504 in their first year of study. In the second year of study, the amount will increase to 529 euros, in the third – to 554 euros and in the fourth – to 580 euros. There is also a financial incentive for companies teaching interns. Companies that continue their studies during the crisis or even increase the number of students will receive a bonus.

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