Cabinet supports 10-year term for alienation of country’s territories

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The government supported the introduction of amendments to the Criminal Code, which is proposed to be supplemented with the norm 280.2 “Violation of the territorial integrity of the Russian Federation.” This is stated in the positive response of the Cabinet, the text of which is at the disposal of Izvestia.

We are talking about amendments to legislation following the results of the all-Russian vote on amendments to the Constitution. Their authors, State Duma Deputy Pavel Krashenninikov and Senator Andrei Klishas, ​​believe that it is the consolidation of the principle of protecting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the state in the country’s Basic Law that has become one of the most significant. Therefore, for actions aimed at alienating part of the territory of the Russian Federation, it is proposed to introduce a separate punishment with a term of imprisonment from six to ten years.

Also, the authors of the initiative want to clarify the article of the Criminal Code 280.1 “Public calls for the implementation of actions aimed at violating the territorial integrity of the Russian Federation.” In its first part, they propose to amend, according to which criminal liability for this crime will occur only if the person has already been brought to administrative responsibility for a similar act within one year.

“The Russian government supports the bill, provided that the comments are taken into account,” reads the Cabinet’s response. At the same time, the authors of the bill are invited to clarify what they mean by “other actions” that can be equated with the alienation of territories.

Also, according to the government, in order to avoid a conflict of criminal law norms, it is necessary to supplement the list of crimes, in the absence of signs of which the proposed article 280 of the Criminal Code will apply.

Read more in the exclusive material of Izvestia:

It will be more complete: the Cabinet supported a 10-year term for the alienation of the country’s territories

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