Britain and EU agree post-Brexit trade deal

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UK and EU reached agreement on trade partnership after Brexit. This was announced on December 24 by the head of the European Commission (EC) Ursula von der Leyen on her page in Twitter

“It’s time to turn the page and look to the future <...> Great Britain remains a partner you can trust, we remain allies. We share the same interests <...> The European Union and the United Kingdom will stand shoulder to shoulder to achieve common global goals, ”she stressed.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson confirmed this information, saying in his Twitterthat the parties have reached an agreement.

According to the chief negotiator of the European Union on Brexit Michel Barnier, the agreement provides for free trade without quotas and tariffs, unlimited access to territory, sea and air space, as well as balanced access to marine resources.

Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini in his Twitter called Brexit on the terms agreed by the parties a victory of democracy and the right of citizens to free choice.

According to Aleksandr Pakhomov, a leading researcher at the RANEPA, Russian business circles, thanks to this deal, will have freer access to the British market by lowering tariffs. In an interview with Rossiyskaya Gazeta, he called the UK trade policy more liberal than the EU trade policy.

On December 17, Johnson, after a telephone conversation with Ursula von der Leyen, said that an agreement between the UK and the European Union on the format of future relations and free trade would not be reached if Brussels did not radically change its position, primarily in the field of fishing quotas in British waters.

On December 10, Johnson allowed a withdrawal from the European Union without concluding a trade agreement with the EU. He stressed that the negotiations do not stop, however, the current state of affairs suggests that society and industry need to prepare for the “Australian version” of events.

The UK officially left the European Union at midnight on January 31st. Until the end of 2020, the country will remain in the European Customs Union and the single market.

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