The restrictions introduced during the pandemic are justified, said Georgy Bazykin, professor at the Skoltech Center for Life Sciences and head of the molecular evolution laboratory at the Institute for Information Transmission Problems (IITP RAS).
He stressed that while there is no mass vaccination against coronavirus, it is necessary to continue work to slow the spread of the infection, since if “release all the brakes” and allow the epidemic to develop according to its own laws, tens of thousands of people could die in Russia.
These will mainly be people of the older generation and those who are at risk.
“Every time you put on a mask, you are preventing possibly one transmission of the coronavirus. And do your part in containing the epidemic, “- quotes the expert on Sunday, September 6.
Bazykin also noted that while only a small part of the world’s population had been ill with the coronavirus, there could be no talk of any herd immunity.
On September 2, the virologist announced that the Russians will be able to stop wearing masks only in January 2021. At the same time, he noted that, compared to self-isolation and closing the business, masks are a much more preferable solution.