Biden accuses Trump of “adding fuel to all fires”

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The Democratic candidate for the White House Joe Biden accused Donald Trump on Thursday of fueling, by pure “political strategy”, the violence that erupted on the sidelines of demonstrations against racism.

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“I said it clearly. There is no room for violence, looting or arson. Any. Zero, ”wrote the former vice-president who will face the Republican in the presidential election on November 3.

The violence is “getting worse and we know why. Donald Trump even refuses to recognize that there is a problem of racial disparities in America, ”added Joe Biden.

“Instead of trying to calm the waters, he throws oil on all fires,” said the ex-right arm of Barack Obama. “Violence is not a problem in his eyes, it is a political strategy. And the more there is, the better it is for him ”with a view to being re-elected, he accused.

Joe Biden and his running mate, Kamala Harris, spoke Wednesday with the family of Jacob Blake, a black father who was shot several times in the back on Sunday from point blank range by a white police officer in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

These facts have rekindled anger in the United States over racism and police violence. Demonstrations escalated in Kenosha into violence, which left two dead and one seriously injured.

A 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse, who had joined groups of armed men demonstrating their desire to “protect” the city, was arrested and charged on Wednesday for the murders on suspicion of opening fire on demonstrators with an assault rifle.

Without a word for Jacob Blake, Donald Trump has so far focused on violence and sworn that he would not tolerate “lawlessness in American streets”. He accuses Joe Biden and the Democrats of not wanting to act.

The president will officially accept the nomination of the Republican party to run for a second term on Thursday evening, during a highly anticipated speech at the White House.

In a speech in the form of an indictment against the Republican billionaire, Senator Kamala Harris, the first black running mate of Indian origin in the history of the United States, for her part called on Thursday not to confuse peaceful demonstrators and rioters.

“Let’s be clear, we will not let these militias and extremists derail the train of justice,” the former prosecutor added in Washington.

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