Azerbaijan announced shelling of Ganja with “Scud” ballistic missiles

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Aide to the President of Azerbaijan, Hikmet Hajiyev, accused Armenia of shelling the Azerbaijani city of Ganja with operational-tactical ballistic missiles R-17 “Scud”.

“According to ANAMA (National Agency for the clearance of mines – ed.), The missiles fired into Ganja represent the operational-tactical ballistic missile“ Scud ”/“ Elbrus ”. This is evidenced by the fragments, ”Hajiyev wrote on Twitter on October 17.

He also attached a photo of the rocket debris. On the night of October 16-17, Baku announced the shelling of the territory of Azerbaijan from the direction of Armenia. According to the latest data, 12 people died, more than 40 were injured, at least 20 houses were destroyed in the city of Ganja.

In Yerevan, the accusations were denied, saying that they had not fired on the territory of Azerbaijan.

On October 16, Azerbaijan already accused Armenia of striking its territory. Baku assures that the territories of Goranboy, Terter, Agdam, Agjabad and Fizuli regions were subjected to shelling.

The Scud is a medium-range ballistic missile that can also carry a nuclear charge. The maximum speed is 1.7 km / s.

Relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan worsened on September 27. The parties accused each other of conducting shelling in the unrecognized Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, whose ownership is disputed. Fighting continues to this day, despite the ceasefire agreement reached in Moscow.

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